Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Harvest – 12th March 2012

Lots of harvesting this week. Last week we had one bowl of tomatoes and this week three bowls (only two shown in the photo). The plants still have plenty of fruit ripening so there could be a couple of more weeks of harvesting ahead.

Tomatoes (varieties Tommy Toe and Amish Paste)
The capsicums are turning red. We have a typical shaped capsicum and a longer shaped Cubanelle.

Capsicum (variety Cubanelle)
The passionfruit vine dropped a lot of fruit this week. I found all these on the concrete:


Some celery stalks. Rather than harvesting the whole plant, I just picked a few stalks:
There were a few root crops harvested this week. Some colourful carrots:


And my favourite, delightfully sweet tasting parsnips:
Parsnip (variety Hollow Crown)
And the last of the onion bed:
Onion (variety Creamgold)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Harvest – 5th March 2012

This week heralds the arrival of the first bulk tomato harvest:

Mostly the variety is Tommy Toe but there are a couple of Amish Paste in there too. This lot was turned into a pasta sauce.

Some sweet tasting capsicums, picked green for the pasta sauce recipe but the rest on the plant will be left to ripen to red:

Capsicum (variety Cubanelle)
This is what happens when the chickens decide to lay in a new location and we eventually find a bunch of eggs:

This overflowing bowl of thyme, harvested from a single plant, is destined for air drying:
